I am kadin. I code. In 2016 I was working as an in-home hospice aide. I loved my work, but I knew I didn’t want to do it forever. The breaking point for me was my yearly review. I was told there was a 2% corporate cap on raises and I was going to receive a 1.9% raise that year. I knew that I wanted to find a career that would raise my market value, but I didn’t want to go to school to do it.

Why software engineering?

Engineers are in high demand! School isn’t necessary, education is. I had family in the industry. In healthcare, it wasn’t the smartest or best nurses that received promotions. It was the nurses that had the most letters after their names, that were willing to work overtime. I have always enjoyed learning, but traditional school didn’t appeal to me. I knew that I would never be successful in the healthcare field, but maybe I could succeed in software. Having family in software gave me an unfair advantage as well. I remember my first breakthrough was my dad explaining arrays to me.

It took a lot of trial and error, but I am now working at an affiliate marking company in Chicago. I think technology is a great option for people that love learning, even if they didn’t love school. There is always a new language, library and framework to learn. If you hate learning and are looking for an easy out, tech is not for you.

So why the blog? I am passionate about people trying to improve their life and love to see people learn and grow. The internet has changed the way we learn, and I want to pay it back for helping me get where I am. My education hasn’t slowed down and they say that teaching is the BEST way to learn!